

Organization / HR

Notice of change of chief executive directors and new executive structure

On June 27, 2023, the appointment of board members were made at the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting. And after the Meeting, the Chief Executive Directors and the other executives with specific titles were decided at the Board of Directors. This is to inform the changes to our executive structure.



1. Changes of the Chief Executive Directors (effective June 27, 2023)



2. New executive structure (effective June 27, 2023)



President and Chief Executive Director Masashi Ishida

Vice President and Chief Executive Director Hironao Kawai

Executive Managing Officer Yukiyasu Saeki

Executive Managing Officer Nakaba Tamura

Executive Managing Officer Ryuichi Sueyoshi

Senior Managing Officer Akimasa Hirai

Executive Director Akihiro Yamanaka

Executive Director Masahiro Nishikawa



Full-time Corporate Auditor Toshiaki Fujiwara

Corporate Auditor Ikuo Ishida

Corporate Auditor Makoto Okuda



3.Name and profile of new President

Name: Masashi Ishida / Born on February 19, 1963



1986 Joined Toyota Motor Corporation.

2017 Held the post of the vice president at Toyota Motor Manufacturing Russia.

June 2022 Became Vice President of Cataler Corporation.

June 2022 Became President of Cataler Corporation.

Please click here to view the message from new President.



4. Notification of organizational changes

Effective June 27, organizational changes were implemented at Cataler Corporation. Please click here for the details.


Under the new executive structure, we intend to make further efforts for the development of our business. We will greatly appreciate your further guidance and cooperation. Thank you very much again.



Nineteen-year-old Tsubaki Miki wins the MVP title at “SNOW AWARD 2023.”

On May 9, 2023, the “Snow Award” ceremony, an occasion where the Ski Association of Japan (SAJ) honors athletes who achieved excellent results during the season, was held at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo. And Tsubaki Miki, alpine snowboarder who belongs to Cataler, won the Most Valuable Player Award (MVP) (※).

This award was in recognition for her taking the first gold medal as a Japanese athlete in women’s Parallel Giant Slalom at the FIS Snowboard World Championships in February. This is the third successive season that Tsubaki has been awarded at the Snow Award ceremony, following the Next Hero-Heroine Award in 2021 and the Outstanding Player Award in 2022.

Cataler will continue to support the athletes in Shizuoka Prefectue, who are competing around the world, from various angles.

(※)The Most Valuable Player Award (MVP) is an award given to the athlete who has made the most impressive achievement during the season, and the winner of this award is chosen from among the Outstanding Player Award winners (listed below).

■Excellent Athlete Award Winners

Ryoyu Kobayashi (Team ROY)
Yuki Ito (Tsuchiya Home Ski Team)
Sara Takanashi (KURARAY)
Nozomi Maruyama (Kitano Construction Corp. Ski Club)

<Nordic Combined>
Ryota Yamamoto (Nagano Hino Motors Ski Team)
Haruka Kasai (Waseda Univ.)

Ikuma Horishima (Toyota Motor Corp. Ski Team)
Anri Kawamura (Nittai Ohka Senior High School)

<Freestyle・Ski Cross>
Ryo Sugai (Team Xraeb)

<Freestyle・Slopestyle/Big Air>
Yuna Koga (DGSC)

Ruka Hirano (Taisei Gakuin Univ. Ski Club)
Mitsuki Ono (Burton)

Masaki Shiba (JOIN GROUP)
Tsubaki Miki (CATALER)

Yoshiki Takahara (Pasco SSC)

<Snowboard・Slopestyle/Big Air>
Taiga Hasegawa (STANCER)
Miyabi Onitsuka (ISPS)

<Education Headquarters>
Ryu Takeda (Winner at the All Japan Ski Technical Championships)
Nagisa Watanabe (Winner at the All Japan Ski Technical Championships)
Masashi Takiguchi (Winner at the All Japan Snowboard Technical Championships)
Minori Yoshimura (Winner at the All Japan Snowboard Technical Championships)

■Next Hero-Heroine Award Winner
Taiga Hasegawa (Snowboard・Slopestyle/Big Air)

Tsubaki Miki (at 19), alpine snowboarder who belongs to Cataler, won the MVP award! This is the third successive season that Tsubaki has been awarded at the Snow Award ceremony, following the Next Hero-Heroine Award in 2021 and the Outstanding Player Award in 2022.



Notice of office closure during the Golden Week Holidays in 2023

First of all, we would like to express our thanks for your continuous support and buisiness with us.


This is to inform you that we (Cataler Japan) will be closed during the following period of the Golden Week.


(Closing period)

From 29th of April 2023 (Saturday) to 7th of May 2023 (Sunday).


■For inquiries

Even during the holidays, we will be -as usual- receiving inquiries through the Inquiry Form as listed below.


〇Inquiry Form


We receive inquiries on Cataler’s products, services, and business activities.


As for inquiries through the Inquiry Form, DM, and e-mails among others, we will respond to them after the 8th of May 2023 (Monday). Thank you for your understanding.



2023 Welcoming Ceremony|President Hiroaki Sunakawa’s Greetings (Summary)

On April 3, 2023, Cataler’s Welcoming Ceremony for New Employees was held at the Deming Prize Commemorative Hall in the company’s headquarters. The same as the last year, the ceremony was conducted face-to-face. We welcomed 22 new employees and the president extended his greetings.

▼Greetings from President Hiroaki Sunakawa

Ladies and Gentlemen, congratulations for joining our company! I feel a great joy for welcoming you, new employees full of hope, here today.

The day of the welcoming ceremony is the day I look forward to the most in a year, because it is an occasion when you, new employees young and full of energy, become colleagues of ours. Before you face this day, you chose Cataler from among many companies and passed the rigorous employment examination. For that fact, I would like to express my respect to you.

Well, as you are about to start a brand-new life as a member of society, I wonder what feelings you have now. Are they bright, full of hope, and 100% positive? I guess you also have anxiety and worry about the future of the company, because there exist many unstable elements in society and economy, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and recent situation in Ukraine. But please don’t worry. In Cataler, we are responding to these immediate issues promptly and precisely, and beyond that, we are accelerating our efforts to sustainably succeed even over the next ten or twenty years.

First of all, let me talk about our efforts towards the realization of a carbon neutral society. At the time when Cataler was founded, people in the world was suffering from various types of pollution, including air polution and water contamination. It was under those circumstances that Cataler started to develop a countermeasure for the pollution with Toyota Motor Corporation, carrying the hope of people from all around the world. And we eventually completed an exhaust gas purification system using a catalyst and activated carbon, and it has grown into the current business of Cataler, which boasts of the annual sales of 700 billion yen.

And now, after 50 years, we have climatic problems, such as grobal warming. Facing the completely same situation as we faced at the time of the founding, we think we would like to take a new step forward as a “company developing products which contribute to the reduction of CO2 as well as the realization of a carbon neutral society.” We hope that this plan will have grown into a big business by 2070, 50 years from now. And I hope you will also work on this project with a big dream and expectation.

In terms of business, we have established the Digital Reform Headquarters in order to take a leap forward to become one of the top enterprises in the field of DX (digital transformation). Now, Cataler is promoting the digitalization of information as well as the digitalization of operation processes. Furthermore, in order to get through the once-in-a-century period of transition, we are incorporating a philosophy of TPS (Toyota Production System) into our kaizen activities to strengthen our competitiveness. Last year, we newly established a division in charge of TPS. Now, under the direct guidance of Toyota Motor Corporation, TPS activities has started in full scale in our Production, Engineering, and Administrative Divisions.

In terms of education, we broke away from the conventional trial-and-error education system, where, figuratively speaking, we had to “go three steps forward and then two steps backward,” and have newly adopted an education system called C-HAM (Cataler Human Asset Management). In this new system, we can “go three steps forward and then we can go two more steps forward.” We will support your skill improvement and career development with C-HAM and make you competitive at a rate five times faster than a conventional education system.

In addition, in terms of our employees’ daily lives, we have been working on our workstyle reform activities called C-WIN (Cataler Workstyle Innovation), introducing new systems aiming to enhance the employees’ work-life balance. Recent years have seen our employees’ work-life balance drastically improved through various activities, including the expansion of flextime system and telecommuting program, the creation of annual paid leave system by the hour (a bold attempt for a manufacturing company), and the child-care leave system which is easy to be taken by male employees as well. Also, we have been working to enhance our welfare systems. The Selective Welfare Program, which we designed in collaboration with the labour union, has been used by many of our employees in various fields. Due to this program, our Employee Satisfaction has been improved. I hope you will utilize these systems effectively and realize your greater work-life balance.

In these ways, Cataler is responding to changes in society promptly, while supporting its employees and their families by listening to their opinions and suggestions. And that is why I think you will be able to enjoy your new life here as a member of society.
Now, I would like to talk about my three expectations to you.

My first expectation is based on the words in the Analects of Confucius, which is “Knowing something is not as good as liking it. Liking something is not as good as enjoying it.” It means, “Those who are familiar with the things can never get the better of those who like them. But those who like them can never get the better of those who enjoy them.” I expect you to not only learn your job but also get to like it. For this purpose, I expect you to get to like Cataler first. And please be a person who can enjoy your company life. Please keep having your present motivation that makes you “challenge yourself to new things with high objective.” Furthermore, I hope that you will develop a global perspective, with the recognition that you are standing on the big stage called the Planet Earth, and that you will, with enjoyment, aim to become a world-class professional.

My second expectation is related to “communication” and “teamwork.” Even the most excellent person can not get the work done alone. Cataler requires personnel who can collaborate with other people from various departments, and who can produce results through teamwork. To do this, you need to acquire a certain level of communication skills, and you can improve these skills endlessly as long as you keep practicing. Please greet your seniors or bosses willingly and ask them for advice, because these positive communication attempts can enhance your communication skills. And I hope that you will build good teamwork with your future colleagues of Global Cataler and usher in a new era for the company.

My third expectation is that you will spend your time safely and healthily both at the worlplace and in your private life. Always make a decision and take action with the “courage to be called a coward,” even when you drive a car or enjoy leisure in your private life, as well as when you are in the company, of course. If you felt the slightest fear or if you thought, “It might be dangerous,” your act of “Stopping,” “Not Moving,” and “Not Interfering” would protect you from being involved in an accident or disaster. I would like you to do your work dynamically and aggressively, but when it comes to safety, I would like you to become, from today, a coward who takes action with the utmost care.

Lastly, in concluding my remarks, I hope that you will grow up steadily to become hugely successful as a member of Cataler and to get through the next 50 years splendidly, and that each one of you will fulfill a lifelong dream, be happy and healthy, and live a rewarding life.



Tsubaki Miki Wins Snowboard World Junior Championship 2023 Parallel Giant Slalom!

On March 24 and 25 in 2023, Tsubaki Miki, who belongs to Cataler, competed at the FIS Snowboard Junior World Championships. She won the Parallel Giant Slalom event, which followed her last year’s victory at the same competition.



March 24 (Friday)

Women’s PGS (Parallel Giant Slalom)



(Qualification rounds)

■First run in the qualification rounds (on the red course).

Against Adela Keclikova.

38.48 seconds.


■Second run in the qualification rounds (on the blue course).

Against Iris Pflum.

41.44 seconds.



Total time in the qualification rounds: 1 minute and 20.92 seconds.

Made it past the qualification in first place.


※After two qualification runs, top-16 riders can advance to the final rounds.



(Final rounds)

※Time counts only in the qualification rounds. The finals are the knock-out rounds.


■1/8 Final: Top-16 match-up (on the red course)

Against Sasha Jansujwicz.

Won by 4.31 seconds.

Quarterfinals: Top-8 match-up (on the red course)

Against Elisa Fava.

Won via DNF(※) of the opponent.

(※)Did Not Finish: An occasion when a rider, although he or she had made a start, did not complete the course or withdrew from competition in a heat.


■Semifinal: Top-4 match-up (on the blue course)

Against Salome Jansing.

Won via DNF of the opponent.


■Big final: Top-2 match-up (on the red course)

Against Iris Pflum.

Won by 0.22 seconds.





■Points earned: 360 points




Winner: Tsubaki Miki (Japan/2003)

Runner-up: Iris Pflum (U.S.A./2003)

Third place: Salome Jansing (Germany/2006)

10th place: Hinano Oshima (Japan/2004)

14th place: Noa Kanazawa (Japan/2003)


The number of competitors: 41





March 25 (Saturday)

Women’s PSL (Parallel Slalom)


(Qualification rounds)

■First run in the qualification rounds (on the blue course)

Against Aurelie Moisan.

34.91 seconds.


■Second run in the qualification rounds (on the red course)

Against Aurelie Moisan.

36.30 seconds.



Total time in the qualification: 1 minute and 11.21 seconds.

Passed the qualification in 4th place.


※After two qualification runs, top-16 riders can advance to the final rounds.



(Final rounds)

※Time counts only in the qualification rounds. The finals are the knock-out rounds.


■1/8 Final: Top-16 match-up (on the red course)

Against Eleonora Pavliuk.

Won by 0.52 seconds.


■Quarterfinals: Top-8 match-up (on the red course)

Against Xenia Von Siebenthal.

Lost by 0.03 seconds.




■5th place

■Points earned: 162 points.




Winner: Xenia Von Siebenthal (Switzerland/2007)

Runner-up: Iris Pflum (U.S.A./2003)

Third place: Zuzana Maderova (Germany/2006)

5th place: Tsubaki Miki (Japan/2003)

8th place: Hinano Oshima (Japan/2003)

14th place: Noa Kanazawa (Japan/2003)


The number of competitors: 41



Tsubaki was able to win the PGS (Parallel Giant Slalom) event at the FIS Snowboard Junior World Championships. This competition marked this season’s last match for her.


Tsubaki told us that there was a period in this season when she wasn’t able to perform at a satisfactory level, and she herself felt some anxiety and pressure during these unproductive months. However, even under these circumstances, she was able to progress to the final rounds in the top four in all (but two) World Cup qualifications, and win the World Championships for the first time for a Japanese rider. We believe we will be able to see her further growth the next season.


Thank you very much for all your support and cheers for Tsubaki Miki this season.


We hope you will support her the next season, too.




Tsubaki Miki eliminated in the quarterfinals of this season’s last PSL (Parallel Slalom) event at World Cup, finishing in 5th.

On March 18, 2023, Tsubaki Miki, alpine snowboarder who belongs to Cataler, participated in the FIS Snowboard World Cup event held in Berchtesgaden, Germany.






Women’s PSL (Parallel Slalom)






(Qualification rounds)


■First run in the qualification rounds (on the red course).


Against Sabine Schoeffmann.

35.58 seconds.




■Second run in the Qualification rounds (on the blue course).


Against Cheyenne Loch.

37.49 seconds.




Total time in the qualification rounds: 1 minute and 13.07 seconds.


Made it past the qualification round in 2nd place.




※After two qualification runs, top-16 riders can advance to the final rounds.



(Final rounds)


※Time counts only in the qualification rounds. The finals are the knock-out rounds.




■1/8 Final: Top-16 match-up (on the red course).


Against Elisa Caffont.

Won by 0.43 seconds.


■Quarterfinals: Top-8 match-up (on the red course)


Against Ramona Theresia Hofmeister.

Lost by 0.12 seconds.





■Fifth place

■Points earned: 450 points

■Overall World Cup standings (as of March 18)


・PSL: 6th place

・PGS: 6th place

・Parallel overall: 5th place








Winner: Ester Ledecka (Czech/1995)


Runner-up: Ramona Theresia Hofmeister (Germany/1996)


3rd place: Cheyenne Loch (Germany/1994)



5th place: Tsubaki Miki (Japan/2003)



19th place: Tomoka Takeuchi (Japan/1983)



29th place: Suzumi Maeda (Japan/2005)



31st place: Noah Murata (Japan/2002)




The number of competitors: 31






Unfortunately, Tsubaki was eliminated in the quarterfinals in the last PSL (Parallel Slalom) event on this season’s World Cup tour, finishing in the 5th place. The only competition left for her is the Snowboard World Junior Championships which will start on March 24.




We hope you will cheer for Tsubaki to her last race of this season.




Tsubaki Miki comes in third, her highest position this season so far, in the women’s Parallel Giant Slalom event at World Cup.

On 15 March 2023, Tsubaki Miki, alpine snowboarder who belongs to Cataler, competed in the FIS Snowboard World Cup event that took place at Rogla, Slovenia. She came in third, her highest position this season so far.


Women’s PGS (Parallel Giant Slalom)



(Qualification rounds)

■First race in the qualification round (on the blue course).

Against Sabine Schoeffmann.

35.20 seconds



■Second race in the qualification round (on the red course).

Against Michelle Dekker.

37.15 seconds





Total time in the qualification: 1minute and 12.35 seconds

Passed the qualification in 3rd place.



※Based on the total time of two qualification runs, the top-16 riders can advance to the final rounds.

(Final rounds)

※Time counts only in the qualification rounds. The finals are the knock-out rounds.



■1/8 Finals: Top-16 match-up (on the blue course).


Against Tomoka Takeuchi.

Won by 0.39 seconds.



Quarterfinals: Top-8 match-up (on the blue course).


Against Aleksandra Krol.

Won by 0.30 seconds.



■Semifinal: Top-4 match-up (on the red course).


Against Sabine Schoeffmann.

Lost by 0.68 seconds.



■Small Final: Third place match (on the blue course).


Against Lucia Dalmasso.

Won by 0.35 seconds.


▼Race footage

Miki rounds out Women’s podium on Jasa slope | Rogla | FIS Snowboard – YouTube





■3rd place

■Points earned: 600 points.

■Overall World Cup standings (as of 15 March)

・PSL: 6th place

・PGS: 6th place

・Parallel Overall : 6th place





Winner: Sabine Schoeffmann (Austria/1992)

Runner-up: Ester Ledecka (Czech/1995)

3rd place: Tsubaki Miki (Japan/2003)

14th place: Tomoka Takeuchi (Japan/1983)

28th place: Suzumi Maeda (Japan/2005)

30th place: Noah Murata (Japan/2002)


The number of competitors: 43



Following the victory at the World Championships, Tsubaki has come in third, her highest position this year so far, at this World Cup event. She has been in good shape and constantly making good time during training since the World Championships ended. So, we think that this successful conditioning has eventually led her to the good result this time. We hope that she will also do her best in the next match.

We’d appreciate your continuous support for Tsubaki Miki.



Tsubaki Miki passes the qualification but loses in the finals, finishing 14th, in the Parallel Slalom Team event at the World Championships.

On February 22 (Wednesday) 2023, Tsubaki Miki, who belongs to Cataler, participated in the Parallel Slalom Mixed Team event at the 15th Snowboard World Championships held in Bakuriani, Georgia. She teamed up with Ryusuke Shinohara (Daito Bunka University).



Team PSL (Parallel Slalom)




Male: Ryusuke Shinohara (Daito Bunka University)
Female: Tsubaki Miki (Cataler)



■Pre-Heats: Qualification run (on the blue course)

Against China 1.

In the first run, Ryusuke Shinohara handed over a baton with +0.96 seconds.
In the second run, Tsubaki Miki made up the deficit and won the team match by 0.63 seconds.


■1/8 Final: Top-16 match-up (on the red course)

Against Austria 2.

In the first run, Ryusuke Shinohara handed over a baton with +1.50 seconds.
In the second run, Tsubaki Miki closed the gap by 1.07 seconds, but lost the team match by 0.43 seconds.





Winner: Italy 2 (Aaron March and Nadya Ochner)

Runner-up: Austria 1 (Andreas Prommeger and Sabina Schoeffman)

Third Place: Switzerland 1 (Dario Caviezel and Julie Zogg)

14th: Japan 1 (Ryusuke Shinohara and Tsubaki Miki)

17th: Japan 2 (Masaki Shiba and Tomoka Takeuchi)

The number of teams: 24 (48 competitors)



In the first match of the final rounds, Tsubaki Miki rode steadily and chased down the opponent’s lead. But unfortunately, the team lost by 0.43 seconds, ending up finishing 14th.

We’d appreciate your continuous support for Tsubaki Miki.




Tsubaki Miki becomes the first Japanese winner in the World Campionships’ PGS (Parallel Giant Slalom) event!

On 19 February 2023, Tsubaki Miki, who belongs to Cataler, competed at the 15th Snowboard World Championships in Bakuriani, Georgia, and became the champion of the PGS (Parallel Giant Slalom) competition. This is a splendid achievement, which represents the first time ever for a Japanese snowboarder to win a Parallel Giant Slalom event at the World Championships.





Women’s PGS (Parallel Giant Slalom)





(Qualification rounds)


■First race in the qualification rounds (on the blue course).


Against Daniela Ulbing.

39.38 seconds




■Second race in the qualification rounds (on the red course).


Against Claudia Riegler.

42.24 seconds




Total time of the qualification runs: 1 minute and 21.62 seconds.


Passed the qualification rounds in third place.




After two qualification runs, top-16 riders can progress to the final rounds.


(Final rounds)


※Time matters only in the qualification rounds. Finals are knock-out rounds.




■1/8 Final: Top-16 match-up (on the blue course)


Against Ramona Theresia Hofmeister.


Won via DNF (※) of the opponent.

(※)Did Not Finish: An occasion when a rider, although he or she had made a start, did not complete the course or withdrew from competition in a heat.


■Quarterfinals: Top-8 match-up (on the blue course).


Against Julie Zogg.

Won via DNF of the opponent.


■Semifinals: Top-4 match-up (on the blue course)


Against Lucia Dalmasso.

Won via DNF of the opponent.



■Big final: Top-2 match-up (on the red course)


Against Daniela Ulbing.

Won via DNF of the opponent.

▼Race footage

Ulbing (AUT) vs. Miki (JPN) | Big Final | Women’s PGS | Bakuriani 2023





■Points scored: 1,000 points

■Overall World Cup standings (as of February 19)


・PSL: 6th place

・PGS: 7th place

・Parallel Overall: 6th place


▼Footage which summarizes the events of the day including the awards ceremony.

Daily Diary #1 | Parallel Giant Slalom | Bakuriani 2023




OFFICIAL RESULTS (scourced from FIS)




Winner: Tsubaki Miki (Japan/2003)

Runner-up: Daniela Ulbing (Austria/1998)

3rd place: Aleksandra Krol (Poland/1990)



9th place: Tomoka Takeuchi (Japan/1983)


The number of competitors: 39




Tsubaki hasn’t really been able to capture any medals this season until this day. But after having a rough couple of months, she showed us the great achievement of taking the gold medal at the World Championships, for the first time ever for a Japanese athlete, by winning the Parallel Giant Slalom event.



We’d appreciate your continuous support for Tsubaki Miki.


Organization / HR

Changes to Executive Structure and Board of Directors

On January 31, 2023, the appointment of board members was made at the Special Shareholders’ Meeting. And on the same day, after the Meeting, the executives with specific titles were decided at the Board of Directors. This is to inform the changes to our executive structure.


▼Changes to executive structure effective January 31

New auditor (1 person)
Takayuki Oomachi

Outgoing auditor (1 person)
Tomokazu Muraguchi


On the page below, you can check the information on our new executive structure (with 8 directors and 3 auditors).

List of Officers