


Installed solar power generation equipment and started private power generation

Installed solar power generation equipment and started private power generation


On May 29, 2020, solar power generation facilities were installed in the hall of the head office building to promote BCM (Business Continuity Management)* and CO2 reduction.


In-house power generation has also started, and we are forecasting 100,000kWh of annual power generation.


It is a trial calculation that the electricity generated by solar power is consumed internally rather than sold, and can contribute to a CO2 reduction of approximately 42.9 tons per year.


It is also assumed to be an emergency power source, and can be used to power the lighting, outlets of our disaster evacuation area and the air conditioner in the injured treatment room.


Aiming to further reduce CO2, we will also consider expanding the installation at another company building in the head office, Ark Creation Center (Iwata City).



What is BCM (Business Continuity Management)?

Comprehensive and integrated business continuity management, including continuous improvement such as
business continuity plan formulation, implementation, operation, and review, when a company engages in
business continuity.


Comprehensive management process of recognize the potential impacts that threaten the organization
and to build a framework that enhances resilience and responsiveness and effective responses to protect
stakeholder interests, reputation, brand and value creation activities.