


2021 President’s New Year Greeting

2021 President’s New Year Greeting



January 6, 2021, President Hiroaki Sunakawa gave a New Year’s greetings to employees at the first day assembly held at Cataler Headquarter. The summary is as follows.



≪ Looking back on 2020 ≫


In 2020, we received the “Quality Control Excellence Award” and “Project Award” from Toyota Motors, the “Quality Control Excellence Award” from Hino Motors for the sixth consecutive year, and the “Quality Control Excellence Award” from Kawasaki Heavy Industries. In addition, overseas bases also received awards from customers in various places.


However, last year was a year that was greatly affected by the spread of COVID-19 infection.

In terms of production, there was a large-scale reduction in production in the first half and a sharp increase in production in the second half. In addition, in order to avoid the risk of overseas travel, it has become difficult to go to CEC (Cataler, Europe, Czech Republic) to support the launch. Therefore, we support it by producing it at a Japanese factory as a backup, which is one of the reasons for the high load in the manufacturing department.


In the company, in addition to wearing masks, washing hands, and thoroughly disinfecting, we worked hard to protect ourselves and our friends, such as create new rules for using canteen at difference time, securing distances in the office area or meeting rooms, and restricting business trips. On the other hand, it was also a year when new work styles such as web conferencing, remote support for launching overseas bases, working from home, and off-hours were advanced. In addition, as a result of company-wide efforts to regulate overtime work and the suspension of business due to the difficult forecast of profits, the number of production increased sharply, and profits improved significantly.



≪ 2021 Initiatives ≫


Based on the long-term management plan revised in October last year, we will continue to pursue major themes such as “strengthening BCM to deal with infectious disease risk” added in the middle of last year, and promote new activities toward carbon credits*.


In 2021, the Tokyo Olympics, which has been postponed from last year, are scheduled.

I would like to make it a year of breakthrough in the slogan of Global Vision, “Yakudo (Dynamic Progress), Yakushin (Breakthroughs), Hiyaku (Great Strides)” so that Cataler will not lose to athletes.


*About Carbon Credits

Carbon credits are CO2 (or other GHGs) emission reduction/sinking realized by others. Those credits are used for “compensation” in carbon offsetting activities.

quote from: Carbon Offset forum ( )





I would like to say all of you regarding thorough health management and traffic safety.

As I said at the beginning, we have taken various measures with the cooperation of everyone in the hygiene management of the workplace so that all employees can work with peace of mind. As a result, fortunately no one has been infected with COVID-19 to date.

Vaccination has started in the United States and the United Kingdom, but I think it will take a little longer in Japan, so please be very careful in order to protect yourself, your family and friends.



Regarding traffic safety, as a person who works for a company that plays a part in the automobile industry, please hold the steering wheel not only to prevent traffic accidents but also to drive as a model for the local people.


I wish you all a safe, healthy, cheerful, fun and positive approach to this year, and hope that you and your family will have a fruitful and good year.