

Internal events

2021 Welcoming ceremony was held


On April 1, 2021, the 2021 Welcoming ceremony was held at the Headquarters office, Deming Prize Commemorative Hall.


With 23 new associates, the number of employees has reached 1,099.


▼Welcoming speech by Hiroaki Sunakawa, President


Congratulations to all new employees. I am very happy to welcome you here today. I guess you must have been worried about COVID-19 which spread across the worldwidely. In order to ensure the health, safety and security of our employees, please be assured that all employees are implementing infection prevention measures such as reviewing the method of holding events and meetings and thoroughly disinfecting the company. As part of the countermeasures, this ceremony was usually more than 300 employees are participated and welcomed new recruit, but we held it with a small number of participants like last year.
However, for us, it is no doubt that the most enjoyable day of the year to welcome youthful and energetic people as co-worker. We would like to do our best to select Cataler from many candidates as a place of employment and to meet the efforts and expectations of everyone who has survived the rigorous recruitment examination due to the covid-19 related confusion.


Cataler’s cherry blossom season last year saw a significant reduction in production due to the impact of COVID-19. In the meantime, we wondered how to survive the covid-19 related crisis.
First of all, we implemented thorough infection prevention measures. As you can see, masks, disinfection, office and cafeteria partitions. As a result of doing everything we can think of, we continue to have zero infected employees. In addition, we have actively introduced remote technology so that we can hold meetings with customers without reducing the frequency, and work from home has expanded rapidly, accelerating work style reforms. As a result, overtime hours have been reduced and expenses such as business trips have been significantly reduced, not only overcoming the handicap of the covid-19 related crisis, but also achieving record profits at the end of March. Last year, we were able to prove that we can get results if we think together in the covid-19 related crisis.


Next, I would like to introduce some of the activities that Cataler is focusing on.
We have an employee training system called C-HAM (Cataler-Human-Asset-Management) that supports your skill improvement and career development. In terms of daily life, C-WIN (Cataler-Worklife-Innovation), an activity related to work-style reform, is being developed, and various measures are being promoted to improve the work-life balance of employees. In this way, Cataler is strengthening its support for employees. I would like everyone to make effective use of the system and achieve a work-life balance.


In recent years, automotive electronics, intelligence, and information technologies have become the focus of attention in the automotive industry, and this is said to be a major turning point once every 100 years. Cataler has predicted electrification in advance and has taken the initiative in starting the operation of the ARK Creation center and planning new businesses. We will create new customer value and establish an earnings base other than automotive catalysts. Of course, I would like you all to join the transformation team as well.


1. “Enjoy”

He likes to know him. It is like enjoying something that likes it.

(People who know things well cannot win against people who like things. People who like things cannot win against people who enjoy things.)

Please be fond of your work. At first, please be fond your company, Cataler. Be a person who can enjoy the company life. Please aim to become a world-class professional while enjoying yourself.


2. “Communication” and “Teamwork”

No man of any excellence can complete his work alone. Please greet your seniors and supervisors, ask questions, and improve your ability while actively communicating. Build teamwork with your fellow Global Cataler friends and open up a new era of Cataler.


3. “Safety and health”

Always judge and act with the courage of being a coward. If you feel a little uneasy or dangerous before taking action, “Do not put your hand out, do not move, stop.” I want you to do your work dynamically and aggressively, but as far as safety is concerned, I want you to be a coward, acting with the utmost care from today.

As a member of Cataler, you will be able to grow and play an active role, survive this turning point vividly, and at the same time, realize the dreams of each and every one of you, and live a bright, healthy and productive life. I pray and make my welcome greeting.