


2022 New Year Greeting from our President Sunakawa


January 5, 2021, President Hiroaki Sunakawa gave a New Year’s greetings to employees at the first day assembly held at Cataler Headquarter. The summary is as follows.


≪ Looking back on 2020 ≫


In 2021, we received the “Quality Control Excellence Award” and “Project Award” from Toyota Motor Corporation, and the “Quality Excellence Award” from Hino Motors, SUBARU, and Yamaha Motor. In addition, we have received various awards from our customers at our overseas bases.

In terms of production, we have been affected by the spread of the new coronavirus infection from two years ago. From the beginning of the year, we have established a 24-hour operation system with 4 groups 8 hours shits, recommended employees to take holidays due to customer production cuts, and made production adjustments by changing the company calendar. At overseas bases, production establishment and introduction of new equipment have resumed, and the production-related departments have responded flexibly and promptly.

As for the prevention of new corona infection, we were the first to start vaccination in the workplace and completed two vaccinations to many people including employees and their families. It was a quick inoculation in the workplace, which was realized by the understanding and efforts of medical personnel including related departments.

In addition, in the work style reform, we have expanded the operation of full flex and telecommuting, enhanced support for injured and reinstated people, and are preparing for the establishment of a personnel system after retirement age and a selective welfare system for operation from the next fiscal year onward.


≪2022 Initiatives≫


The global company policy for 2022 was discussed in last December, and the outline was almost decided. We will carry out activities with 11 themes such as DX and carbon neutral promotion, sales expansion, profit reform, and strengthening of quality assurance system.

And this year, a global sports competition will be held. Tsubaki Miki, who we has been cheer for a long time as a comrade who fights in the world, is scheduled to participate. Let’s support Miki who is flapping “From Kakegawa to the world” with us, Cataler.



Even in Corona, we have promoted hygiene management in the workplace where all employees can work with peace of mind. Although the number of infected people is decreasing in Japan, it is still expanding overseas, and the existence of mutant strains cannot be ignored. We are planning a third vaccination in the company, but please be very careful in order to stay alert and protect yourself, your family and friends regardless of whether or not you have been vaccinated.

Regarding traffic safety, as a person who works for a company that plays a part in the automobile industry, please hold the steering wheel not only to prevent traffic accidents but also to drive as a model for the local people.

I wish you all a safe, healthy, cheerful, fun and positive approach to this year, and hope that you and your family will have a fruitful and good year.