


Takuya Okuda Received the 72nd Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Award “Technical Paper Award”

Takuya Okuda Received the 72nd Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Award “Technical Paper Award”

On May 26, 2022, the “72nd Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Award Ceremony” was held by the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan. “Practical application and high functionality of highly heat-resistant pyrochlore type CeO2-ZrO2 oxygen storage material” written by Takuya Okuda (Basic Technology Development Department) who belonging to our R & D Division received the Technical Paper Award. (The photo of the representatives of Toyota Central R & D Labs., Toyota Motor Co., Ltd., a joint research and developer)


It was highly evaluated that the technology of pyrochlore type CeO2-ZrO2 material would contribute to the development of the automobile field, and it was the first time for us, Cataler, to receive a Technical Paper Award.


The authors focused on the pyrochlore structure CeO2-ZrO2, which is characterized by “slower and higher capacity” oxygen storage characteristics than before and worked on the development of this material and the practical application of catalysts using it.
In particular, the following three issues, “high temperature heat resistance (derived from the crystal structure of the metastable phase)”, “performance in the low temperature range”, and “improvement of responsiveness to gas atmosphere” have been improved over three generations. This has contributed to the expansion of applicable models and the global expansion of vehicles with low environmental impact.

It is also highly evaluated that it contributed to reducing the amount of precious metals used as a benefit of higher performance.

(Quoted from the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan HP) ”


New oxygen storage material | Catalyst for gasoline vehicles | Products

Cataler has been working on solving environmental problems on a global scale for more than half a century. We have received high praise in a wide range of fields, including research and development of various products such as exhaust gas purification catalysts for automobiles, quality control that realizes a stable supply of good products, and improvement activities for issues such as products, services, and work.


“* Automotive Technology Association Award

It was established in 1951 with the purpose of encouraging the improvement and development of automobile engineering and automobile technology. Awards presented for significant contributions and achievements in automotive technology ”


“*Technical Paper Award
An award given to excellent papers selected through rigorous screening from the papers published in the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan. “