


Announcement of Closed office for Holiday

Announcement of Closed office for Holiday



We would like to announce that please be informed that we will closed for our holiday from April 30th 2022 to May 8th 2022.


Regarding your incoming email or inquiry during these holidays, we will response them after May 9th.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and appreciate your understanding.

Thank you very much for the continuous business with us.



Tsubaki Miki achieves 3 crowns in the Snowboard World Junior Championships


For details, please see here (Tsubaki cheering party special site).



The Tsubaki cheering party site is operated by Cataler, a company belonging to Tsubaki Miki, the representative of Japan for alpine snowboarding.



Internal events

2022 Welcoming ceremony was held


On April 1, 2022, the 2022 Welcoming ceremony was held at the Headquarters office, Deming Prize Commemorative Hall.

We welcomed 28 new employees.



▼Welcoming speech by Hiroaki Sunakawa, President


Congratulations to all new employees.

We are very pleased to welcome you with full of expectation here today.

With the spread of the coronavirus infection worldwide that has continued for two years, I think that you all have had anxious and busy days, and have had a hard time in your studies and personal life. In order to ensure the health, safety, and security of our employees, Cataler uses our own infection control guide as a code of conduct, and all employees implement event restrictions, devise ways to hold meetings, and thoroughly disinfect the company. In the past, this welcome ceremony was held with more than 300 employees, but in order to prevent infection, we held the ceremony with a small number of participants as we did last year.

However, for us, it is no doubt that the most enjoyable day of the year to welcome youthful and energetic people as co-worker. We would like to do our best to select Cataler from many candidates as a place of employment and to meet the efforts and expectations of everyone who has survived the rigorous recruitment examination due to the covid-19 related confusion.



By the way, what are the feelings of new employees who have entered a new beginning as members of society? Is it bright, hopeful and 100% positive? With many social and economic instability factors such as Covid-19 and the situation in Ukraine, you may be worried or concern about the future of the company. Rest assured that Cataler is not only responding quickly and accurately to these immediate challenges, but is also accelerating efforts to sustainably succeed in the next 10 or 20 years.

First, I would like to talk about our approach to carbon neutrality.

Before talking about our current efforts, I would like to look back on my time, me as a junior high school student in the early 1970s, 50 years ago when Cataler was founded. At that time, it was a period of high economic miracle, and the development of industry was the highest priority. TV news reported daily health hazards from air and water pollution. The weather forecast predicted photochemical smog by NOx instead of pollen and ultraviolet rays. Under such circumstances, the Environment Agency was established in 1971, and Eiji Toyoda, then president of Toyota Motor Corporation and chairman of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, was invited to the Diet and was requested to immediately improve the exhaust gas purification level. In this way, Cataler’s seniors carried on the expectations of the world and proceeded with development with Toyota Motor Corporation, Denso, and NGK, and finally completed an exhaust gas purification system using an exhaust gas catalyst and activated carbon. It is currently growing into a Cataler business with annual sales of 280 billion yen. And now, 50 years later, climate change such as global warming has become a problem. There is no direct health hazard like the pollution of 50 years ago, but it is definitely continuing to damage the earth. Under such circumstances, in 2020, Prime Minister Suga declared “2050 Carbon Neutral (CN), Realization of a Decarbonized Society” in Japan.

Cataler is now in exactly the same situation as it was when it was founded, and is about to enter its second founding period. Now is the time to take the first step as a company that develops products that contribute to CO2 reduction and CN realization. And 50 years later, in 2070, I would like to grow it into a big business, so I hope that everyone will work on this project with big dreams and expectations.

In terms of business, we have established the Digital Reform Headquarters in order to make a leap forward to become a top digital company, and are promoting the digitization of information and the digitization of business processes.

In terms of education, we have introduced an employee training system called C-HAM (Cataler-Human-Asset-Management), which breaks away from the conventional trial-and-error education system that takes 3 steps and goes 2 steps. Utilizing C-HAM, we will support everyone’s skill improvement and career development and realize early strengthening.

Furthermore, in terms of daily life, we are developing a work-style reform activity called C-WIN (Cataler-Workstyle-Innovation) and speedily introducing a new system to enhance the work-life balance of employees. As a result of expanding the flextime system, working from home, and enhancing support for injured and reinstated employees, the work-life balance of employees has improved.

As for welfare programs, the latest selective welfare program, which we have been preparing to introduce since last year, will start from today. In the future, I would like you to realize a work-life balance by understanding the system at an early stage and making effective use of it.

As for the prevention of Covid-19 infection, we were the first to start vaccination in the workplace, and we have completed two vaccinations for many people including employees and their families, and we are currently inoculating the third one.

In this way, Cataler responds instantly to changes in the world and provides generous support for the opinions and suggestions of employees and their families. I would like you to do your utmost to educate new employees starting from now on with peace of mind.




Now, I would like to talk about three expectations for new employees.

The first expectation.

He likes to know him. It is like enjoying something that likes it.

There is a word of the analects. It is a word that I said on the day of the informal ceremony.

This means, “Even if you know things well, you can’t beat people who like things.

People who like things can’t beat people who enjoy things. ”

Everyone, please love your work as well as remember it. For that, first of all, please like Cataler. And please become a person who can enjoy the company life.

And, please keep the current feeling of “having high aspirations and taking on new challenges”. Furthermore, I would like you to aim to become a world-class professional while having fun, cultivating a global perspective and recognizing that you are standing on the big stage of the earth.


The second expectation is “communication” and “teamwork”.

No one can complete a job by himself. Cataler requires human resources who can collaborate with members of various departments and achieve results through teamwork. The more you train, the better your communication skills will be. Please greet your seniors and bosses and ask questions to actively communicate and improve your communication skills. And I hope that you will build teamwork with the employees of Global Cataler that you will meet in the future and open up a new era of Cataler.


The third expectation is to stay safe and healthy both at work and in private.

In the company, of course, when you drive a car or enjoy leisure in private, always judge and act with “courage to be called a coward”. If you feel a little uneasy before you act, or if you think it might be dangerous, you can prevent disasters and accidents by “keeping your hands, not moving, and stopping”. I want you to do your work dynamically and aggressively. However, I would like you to become a coward who acts with the utmost care in terms of safety from today.


Lastly, I hope that you will grow up as a member of Cataler and make an outstanding performance; that you will survive the next 50 years vividly; that you will realize your dreams of life and lead a bright, healthy and fruitful life. I pray and make my welcome greetings.






Received the Quality Control Excellence Award from Toyota Motor Corporation


On March 9, 2022, we received the Quality Control Excellence Award from Toyota Motor Corporation.


This is the third consecutive year that we have received the award.


We received the award for our zero delivery defects and continuous stable supply of non-defective products.


It was highly evaluated that the company contributed to the improvement of vehicle quality by pursuing the root cause of defects in the process and expanding countermeasures globally at an early stage, and by taking the initiative of the head office to establish countermeasures at each base.



Tsubaki won gold medal as the youngest in the history of women’s alpine snowboard!


Tsubaki Miki, who belongs to our company won the gold medal at the youngest age of 18 in the snowboard parallel at “FIS SNOWBOARD WORLD CUP Women’s Parallel Slalom” held at Piancavallo (Italy) on March 12th, 2022.


get 1st in the world is my goal; but not just a dream”

This victory that proved her progress towards her goal from her childhood.


Comment from Tsubaki Miki

I was able to win the parallel slalom at the World Cup in Piancavallo (Italy). I am grateful to all the catalers and sponsors who supported me, everyone who supported me, all the players of the Japan team who practiced with me, and all the players from each country. Thank you everyone!

When it was decided to advance to the big final, various thoughts ran through my heart, such as the support I received from everyone and my experiences including the Olympics. They made me feel strongly that “I’m here to go one step further, I’ve come to win” and it made me stay calm..

It is a great honor for me to be able to win the championship with Julie, who is ranked number one in this event, and to be on the podium with Ramona, who previously gave me the word “stay strong”. I think this experience will be my encouragement.

The race is really fun and there are many challenges as a player, so I will do my best to evolve step by step from now on. Thank you!



Tsubaki Miki Profile


Date of Birth: June 1, 2003

Affiliation: CATALER / Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture



21-22 Overall 4th place * As of March 13, 2022

20-21 Overall 7th

19-20 Overall 22nd

18-19 Overall 45th










2022 New Year Greeting from our President Sunakawa


January 5, 2021, President Hiroaki Sunakawa gave a New Year’s greetings to employees at the first day assembly held at Cataler Headquarter. The summary is as follows.


≪ Looking back on 2020 ≫


In 2021, we received the “Quality Control Excellence Award” and “Project Award” from Toyota Motor Corporation, and the “Quality Excellence Award” from Hino Motors, SUBARU, and Yamaha Motor. In addition, we have received various awards from our customers at our overseas bases.

In terms of production, we have been affected by the spread of the new coronavirus infection from two years ago. From the beginning of the year, we have established a 24-hour operation system with 4 groups 8 hours shits, recommended employees to take holidays due to customer production cuts, and made production adjustments by changing the company calendar. At overseas bases, production establishment and introduction of new equipment have resumed, and the production-related departments have responded flexibly and promptly.

As for the prevention of new corona infection, we were the first to start vaccination in the workplace and completed two vaccinations to many people including employees and their families. It was a quick inoculation in the workplace, which was realized by the understanding and efforts of medical personnel including related departments.

In addition, in the work style reform, we have expanded the operation of full flex and telecommuting, enhanced support for injured and reinstated people, and are preparing for the establishment of a personnel system after retirement age and a selective welfare system for operation from the next fiscal year onward.


≪2022 Initiatives≫


The global company policy for 2022 was discussed in last December, and the outline was almost decided. We will carry out activities with 11 themes such as DX and carbon neutral promotion, sales expansion, profit reform, and strengthening of quality assurance system.

And this year, a global sports competition will be held. Tsubaki Miki, who we has been cheer for a long time as a comrade who fights in the world, is scheduled to participate. Let’s support Miki who is flapping “From Kakegawa to the world” with us, Cataler.



Even in Corona, we have promoted hygiene management in the workplace where all employees can work with peace of mind. Although the number of infected people is decreasing in Japan, it is still expanding overseas, and the existence of mutant strains cannot be ignored. We are planning a third vaccination in the company, but please be very careful in order to stay alert and protect yourself, your family and friends regardless of whether or not you have been vaccinated.

Regarding traffic safety, as a person who works for a company that plays a part in the automobile industry, please hold the steering wheel not only to prevent traffic accidents but also to drive as a model for the local people.

I wish you all a safe, healthy, cheerful, fun and positive approach to this year, and hope that you and your family will have a fruitful and good year.



Announcement of the New Year‘s Holiday


We would like to announce that please be informed that we will closed for our New Year‘s Holiday from December 26th 2021 to January 4th 2022.

Regarding your incoming email or inquiry during these holidays, we will response them after January 5th.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and appreciate your understanding.


Thank you very much for the continuous business with us.



Tsubaki Miki wins silver medal at World Cup Women’s Parallel Slalom



Tsubaki Miki (18years, kakegawa-city Shizuoka prefecture) who belongs to our company participated in “FIS SNOWBOARD WORLD CUP” held in Bannoye (Russia) on December 12, 2021 and won her first podium with second place at the Snowboard World Cup.


Click here for details


Miki Tsubaki World Cup First Podium PS (Parallel Slalom) 2nd Place | Tsubaki Cheering Party




Received the Quality Excellence Award from SUBARU Corporation for the first time


On November 10, 2021, we received the “Quality Excellence Award” from SUBARU Corporation for the first time in recognition of its product performance and mass production quality.

The award ceremony was originally scheduled to be held in this May, but it was postponed due to the Corona disaster, and it was held online with the participation of only the award-winning companies.


We are very pleased to receive this award for the first time since the start of transactions in 2001.



SUBARU Corporation




Tsubaki Miki wins Next Hero Heroine Award at Snow Award 2020-2021


On November 2, 2021, the Ski Association of Japan held the “Snow Award”, an award ceremony for the 2020-2021 season, and Tsubaki Miki who belongs to our company, was selected for the “Next Hero Heroine” award.

This award is given to teenage players who are expected to grow.


Thank you for your continued support.


【 Best Player Award 】

Yuto Totsuka (Snowboard half pipe)


【 Next Hero Heroine Award 】

Tsubaki Miki (Snowboard alpine)



Tsubaki cheering party