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Automotive catalysts

The most familiar catalyst in our lives is probably the "exhaust gas purification catalyst". "Exhaust gas purification catalysts" are used in internal combustion engines such as automobiles and motorcycles, water bikes, lawnmowers, golf cars, and gas engines responsible for in-house power generation, heating, and hot water supply. The automotive catalyst, one of Cataler's typical products, was commercialized in the 1970s and has been continually improved to this day. Ceramic filters coated with catalysts are installed near the engine or under the floor and may not be visible to the general public, but they are indispensable products to clean toxic gases exhausted from the engine.

It is no exaggeration to say that the catalyst most closely associated with our daily lives is the "emission gas purification catalyst". An "emission gas purification catalyst" is always installed in a prime mover powered by an internal combustion engine (gasoline engine, diesel engine, gas turbine, gas engine, etc.), such as a car or a motorcycle.

Automotive catalysts

The automotive catalyst, our typical product, was put into practical use in the 1970s, and is still in use today with continual improvements being made. Ceramic filters coated with catalysts are installed near the engine, under the floor and in other places that are usually out of sight, so they may not be directly visible to the public, but they are an indispensable technology for cleaning the toxic gases emitted from the engine.

Automotive catalysts