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Health and safety initiatives
Cataler believes that a company cannot achieve sustainable growth without ensuring the "occupational safety" and "health and hygiene" of its employees. In order to provide a healthy and safe working environment, we will work to eliminate occupational accidents, correct long working hours, and improve mental health.

Health and safety management system
Health and Safety Committee
The Health and Safety Committee is composed of labor and management. Labor union executives participate as committee members, providing a forum for lively exchange of opinions. The contents of deliberations are shared by Headquarters and the R&D base "Cataler Ark Creation Centre", and various matters related to health and safety are handled company-wide.
Safety and environment meeting (Participation by department managers and higher)

A safe and secure working environment is the most important factor in improving the performance of an organization. The Safety and Environment Meeting is a top-down meeting attended by executives, general and department managers in order to thoroughly disseminate information throughout the company, and strengthen the development of measures toward the realization of an ideal work environment. We actively discuss occupational safety, traffic safety, health and hygiene, and environmental preservation, and strive to maintain and improve a safe environment.

Health and safety promotion meeting
(Members selected from all departments)

This is a meeting to build a route for developing safety initiatives from the top to the bottom of the organization, and to collect and feed back the information and cutting-edge opinions of the Health and Safety Committee, and the Safety and Environment Committee.

Introduction of health and safety activities
On-site inspection led by top management
- Purpose
- When top management visits and checks the work site, it promotes a sense of urgency and a high level of awareness to carry out safety activities.
- Subject
- All workplaces in the company
- Frequency
- 1 time/year for each theme, 3 times/year for 4S only
- Method
- The top management of the company and labor union executives conduct inspections and patrols, and provide improvement guidance based on themes such as safety, health, risk assessment, and 4S (*).
- What is 4S?
- It is taken from the first initials of Seiri (organize), Seiton (tidy up), Seiso (clean up), and Seiketsu (maintain hygiene).

Voluntary workplace inspections
- Purpose
- Workplace managers and supervisors conduct inspections as part of workplace safety promotion activities.
- Subject
- All workplaces in the company
- Frequency
- Once a month at each workplace, including administrative departments
- Method
- This is done in areas similar to other companies' cases or where there have been HIYARI-HATTO (near-misses) (*), to raise awareness of the need to take their own hazard countermeasures in their own workplaces.
- What is HIYARI-HATTO (near-misses) ?
- It refers to a case of "hiyari" or "hatto" (surprise because of a "near-miss") that almost resulted in an injury or accident during work.

Equipment safety inspections
- Purpose
- The purpose of this is to prevent occupational accidents due to equipment malfunctions when installing or remodeling equipment.
- Subject
- Newly introduced or modified equipment
- Frequency
- Before starting to use the equipment
- Method
- The Safety Manager (*), maintenance section, usage department, and Safety Secretariat inspect standard items and past defects using a check sheet, and operate under the rule that a product cannot be used until the design department remedies defects.
- What is a Safety Manager?
- A person who handles technical matters related to safety. It is stipulated in Article 11 of the Industrial Safety and Health Act (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) that a safety manager must be appointed for each workplace of a certain type and size.

On-site construction patrol
- Purpose
- By randomly spot-checking the rule compliance status of on-site construction contractors, we are working to prevent work-related accidents caused by on-site contractors.
- Subject
- Contractors doing construction work on the premises
- Frequency
- 1 time / 2 months
- Method
- The Safety Manager, Maintenance Section, Plant Engineering Department and Safety Secretariat inspect the installation of construction control boards, the contents of construction inspection sheets and clothing, and provide guidance to the ordering department through direct instructions and reports to the construction contractor.

Distribution of safety cards to contractors
- Purpose
- This training is carried out to improve understanding of in-house rules for on-site construction work, and to prevent work-related accidents by complying with the rules.
- Subject
- Contractors doing construction work on the premises
- Frequency
- 1 time / 2 months
- Method
- Safety cards are distributed to all construction contractors who come onto the site. As proof that they have understood the contents, they write their name and carry it with them at all times.

Personal safety declaration
- Purpose
- By having each employee set safety goals themselves, we aim to improve safety awareness and prevent occupational accidents.
- Subject
- All employees
- Frequency
- 1 time / year
- Method
- After filling in the Traffic Safety Declaration (April) and Labor Safety Declaration (August) and posting them in the cafeteria, they are posted in each workplace for one year.

Safe driving training using a driving simulator
- Purpose
- As part of traffic safety education, it is used to improve driving skills, prevent traffic accidents, and improve the ability to predict danger.
- Subject
- All employees
- Frequency
- As needed
- Method
- Using a simulator to experience different situations such as weather, season and time of day, as well as dangerous driving such as sudden braking and drunken driving, leads to improvements in safe driving skills.

Medical checkups
- Purpose
- Maintaining and promoting employee health
- Subject
- All employees
- Frequency
- 2 times / year
- Method
- Conducted by a contracted medical institution. For employees who need to be reexamined, the results are returned during individual interviews with a public health nurse, and recommendations for examination (referral to a medical institution), confirmation of reexamination results, and follow-up on physical condition are provided.

Stress check
- Purpose
- Maintaining and promoting the mental health of employees
- Subject
- All employees
- Frequency
- 1 time / year
- Method
- Performed by a contractor. Early detection of mental problems and interviews with specialists such as industrial physicians, psychologists, and public health nurses lead to the prevention of serious illnesses. In addition, by doing analysis and providing feedback for each department, we are helping to improve the workplace environment.

Gynecological examinations
- Purpose
- Maintaining and promoting employee health
- Subject
- All female employees
- Frequency
- 1 time / year
- Method
- Conducted by a contracted medical institution. For the early detection of cancer unique to women, we conduct in-house gynecological examinations during working hours. In-house implementation has significantly increased the rate of health checkups.

Health consultations
- Purpose
- Maintaining and promoting employee health
- Subject
- All employees
- Frequency
- As required
- Method
- In-house industrial physicians and on-site health nurses provide health consultations for employees so that they can work in a healthy condition, both physically and mentally. If necessary, we recommend medical examinations and referrals to medical institutions.

Metabolic syndrome guidance
- Purpose
- Maintaining and promoting employee health
- Subject
- All employees
- Frequency
- 2 times / year
- Method
- With the aim of shifting the entire workforce in the right direction by gradually reducing the risk for many of them, not just those subject to specific health guidance, group specific health guidance is provided for all employees by company health workers. In addition, we regularly provide dietary guidance using food models and exercise guidance with practice.

Infectious disease prevention
- Purpose
- Prevention of outbreaks of infectious diseases within the Company
- Subject
- All employees
- Frequency
- 1 time / year
- Method
- We conduct in-house group vaccinations for influenza and MR vaccines.
The company bears part of the cost of vaccinations and conducts the vaccinations during business hours, which improves the vaccination rate and helps prevent infection. (Rubella antibody prevalence 99.2%)

Ordinary lifesaving training / AED training
- Purpose
- Acquisition of knowledge and skills for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and how to use an AED, and improvement of survival rates in emergencies
- Subject
- All employees
- Frequency
- 1 time / year
- Method
- Fire department EMTs and first aid extension workers (company health nurses) serve as instructors, aiming to have more employees acquire knowledge and skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and how to use an AED.

Enlightenment activities for health promotion
- Purpose
- Maintaining and promoting employee health
- Subject
- All employees
- Frequency
- As required
- Method
- We help our employees to work in good health by disseminating information and providing education to maintain and improve their health, such as setting up a walking course on the premises, issuing health newsletters, hygiene week events, and health education (e-learning).

Awards (external evaluation)
2024 Recognized as an Excellent Health and Productivity Management Organization 2024
2023 Recognized as an Excellent Health and Productivity Management Organization 2023
2022 Recognized as an Excellent Health and Productivity Management Organization 2022
2021 Recognized as an Excellent Health and Productivity Management Organization 2021
2020 Recognized as a 2020 (White 500) Health and Productivity Management Organization
2019 Recognized as a 2019 (White 500) Health and Productivity Management Organization

- 2022
- Recognized as an Excellent Health and Productivity Management Organization 2022
- 2021
- Recognized as an Excellent Health and Productivity Management Organization 2021
- 2020
- Recognized as a 2020 (White 500) Health and Productivity Management Organization
- 2019
- Recognized as a 2019 (White 500) Health and Productivity Management Organization
Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition System
This is a system to recognize large companies, small and medium-sized enterprises and others that practice particularly good health management, based on initiatives adapted to local health issues and health promotion initiatives promoted by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
By "visualizing" itself as a "corporation that thinks about employee health management from a managerial perspective and works on it strategically", Cataler is creating an environment that is valued by employees, job applicants, related companies and financial institutions. In 2019, the company was awarded White 500 status for the first time as an excellent health management company in the Large Corporations category, and in 2020 it continued to be a "White 500" company as it was within the top 500 companies in the same category.
*Reference: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry HP
Health declaration
At Cataler, the happiness of our employees and their families is our top priority.
To that end,
we declare that we will do our utmost to promote "health management" so that each employee and their family members can play an active role.
- 1. We regard the health of our employees and their families as an important management asset, and carry out activities that give top priority to safety and health.
- 2. We will promote the creation of a workplace environment where employees can work energetically, and in good physical and mental health.
- 3. We cooperate with health insurance associations to support the health management and promotion of employees and their families.
Infectious diseases are prevalent and expanding worldwide, but the company and employees will work together to prevent infection and the spread of infection, and will continue to work to maintain and improve health.
Through C-QIC activities, Cataler has strived to improve the quality of its products and work, and has grown to receive the Deming Prize.
From a broader perspective, health is the quality of the mind and the body.
The company, employees and their families should work together to improve the quality of their minds and bodies, as well as their products and work.
June 2023
Cataler Corporation
Maebashi Ishida, CEO and President