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Enquiries / reports from business partners

  1. Enter problem
  2. Confirmation of input contents
  3. Completion of report submission
Please check the details of the enquiry / report (multiple selections possible)Required
When did the problem occur?Required

Please indicate when the facts you want to discuss or report occurred, and whether they are still ongoing.

Details of the problemRequired

Please describe, in detail, what violations of laws and regulations you have seen or heard, where, and by whom.

How did you know about the problematic behavior, evidence, etc.?Required

Please describe how and why you learned of the problem.
(e.g., Existence of photographs, e-mails, documents, etc., that you have seen or heard directly.)

Contact email addressRequired


  • *Please use half-width alphanumeric characters.(Example)

(Re-enter for confirmation)


NameRequired (Example) Mamoru Kakegawa
Affiliated company / Organization

(Example) ○○Co.,Ltd.

  • This contact desk is exclusively for employees of companies that do business with Cataler Corporation.
    Please note that we may not be able to accept your report if you do not provide the name of your company.

(Example) ○○ Section

Zip code (without hyphen)

(Example) 1234567

  • *Please enter half-width numbers.


Address / Name of building

Phone numberRequired

- - -

(Example) +81-123-4566-7890

  • *Please enter your telephone number in half-width characters, starting with the area code.
  • *Please note that we may answer by phone
