MAR. 10, 2025
Cataler Recognized as "KENKO Investment for Health " for the Seventh Consecutive Year
We are pleased to announce that Cataler has been recognized as a "KENKO Investment for Health 2025 (Large Enterprise Category)" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi. Cataler has been receiving this certification since 2019, marking the seventh consecutive year of recognition with this latest certification.
For more information about Cataler's key initiatives, please visit our website.
▼Health and Safety Initiatives | Safety Guidelines
(Health declaration)
At Cataler, the happiness of our employees and their families is our top priority.To that end, we declare that we will do our utmost to promote "health management" so that each employee and their family members can play an active role.
1. We regard the health of our employees and their families as an important management asset, and carry out activities that give top priority to safety and health.
2. We will promote the creation of a workplace environment where employees can work energetically, and in good physical and mental health.
3. We cooperate with health insurance associations to support the health management and promotion of employees and their families.
Infectious diseases are prevalent and expanding worldwide, but the company and employees will work together to prevent infection and the spread of infection, and will continue to work to maintain and improve health.
Through C-QIC activities, Cataler has strived to improve the quality of its products and work, and has grown to receive the Deming Prize. From a broader perspective, health is the quality of the mind and the body.
The company, employees and their families should work together to improve the quality of their minds and bodies, as well as their products and work.